CSI1* & CSI4* Jumping

FEI Driving World Cup

Approved Schedule
Information competitors


Boyd Exell (AUS)
Glenn Geert (BEL)
Bram Chardon (NED)
Koos de Ronde (NED)
Anna Mareike Meier (GER)
Georg von Stein (GER)

JIM HAVENS Pony Cup 2024

Total number of participants: approx. 30.

Final results

5 German pony riders, invited by the organization.
5 Belgian pony riders, invited by the organization.
20 Limburg qualified pony riders / amazons of the classes C-D-E 0.90m-1.00m-1.10m

Reglement en selectiewedstrijden JIM HAVENS Pony Cup 2024

JIM Manege Challenge

Startnummer Manege Place
1 Stal aan ‘t Kanaal Ulestraten
2 Paardencentrum  Heihof Landgraaf
3 Manege Ten Eysden Geleen
4 Ruitercentrum Daalderhof Oirsbeek
5 Manege Cadier en Keer Cadier en Keer

What is the JIM Manege Challenge?

  • Each participating riding school receives max 8 minutes to present a demo or show. This includes entry and exit.
  • The full track of 70 x 36 meter is available, and corner points can be built (for example 20 x 40m).
  • Riding schools can fill in their show as they see fit. Think of combinations of horse and pony groups, dancers, live music, and even hobby horses!
  • Professional lighting and sound system is available. A detailed choreography plan must be submitted one week before the show.


Address for participants: Forum 100, Maastricht.
International participants follow P10 (entrance stables gate 15)
National participants follow P9 (entrance via gate 14)