Jumping Indoor Maastricht 2024

This year Jumping Indoor Maastricht will be organised from 8 till 10 November. JIM offers top sport with, among others, the FEI Driving World Cup and the Grand Prix of Maastricht combined with the Limburg hospitality. An event for the whole family!



There are alternative activities.  


This year, the organisation of Jumping Indoor Maastricht has again had to decide that it is not responsible to go ahead with JIM, which would take place from 5 to 7 November 2021 in the MECC in Maastricht.

"This difficult decision is based on the great uncertainty that still exists regarding the development of the Covid-19 virus. The health, social and financial risks are too high," said Ward Vleugels, chairman of the JIM Foundation. Also the qualification for the FEI Driving World Cup will not take place this year.  

The organisation understands that this is another big disappointment for the (international) equestrian world, the public and the sponsors. To ease the pain of waiting for the JIM 2022 edition, which will be held from 4 to 6 November, a number of surprising alternative activities will be organised for various target groups. These will take place at the end of this year and in the first half of 2022, as far as the circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 virus allow. 


Virtual activities

For all equestrian fans virtual activities will be organised on the social media channels of Jumping Indoor Maastricht. More content will be announced soon.


Sponsor event

For the main sponsors, an exclusive network event will be organised for which a top speaker will be invited. The effects of Corona, both on the social, economic and health fields, will be discussed during this event. 


JIM Horse Parade

The JIM Horse Parade was a new initiative for the upcoming edition. The organisation wants this initiative to continue. Companies and institutions can purchase a life-size synthetic horse or pony and have their employees, pupils or residents paint and/or decorate it. This horse could then be exhibited in the weeks before and during the week that JIM would be held. An ideal way to create social involvement and at the same time promote JIM, equestrian sports and the city of Maastricht. Please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.